Tuesday, December 29, 2009

son of a ...

You know those dreams when you suddenly have a million dollars and it feels,so real I mean so very real that you are happy and giddy and you start thinking about paying your house off and buying your dream car and luxory vaction,  and then you get that urge...you have to go to the bathroom, and then it hits you that the money you thought you had aquired was all just part of a bad dream and realize you have to pee like a race horse. So you get out of bed to pee... What I guess I am saying is that either way a good nights sleep was ruined. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just the 4 of us :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My unevitable truths

1.  I thuroughly enjoy sarcasm and think it should be used more. 
2.  Everyone should have grandparents like mine and I pity the ones who didn't.
3.  I am every bit as cynical as I am sarcastic which makes me bitter and a lot of fun.
4.  I curse more than I should.  I like to think it is because my dad was a sailor so it's in my dna.
5.  When I grow up I want to be on dancing with the stars.
6.  Growing up I was a Zach Morris fan now I am a AC Slater fan.  Think about it.
7.  I do know all the words to the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire, and I am proud.
8.  All I ever really wanted to be is a Mom and it will probably be the only job I wont get fired from.
9.  I hate being alone.
10.  I am not a pesimist nor  am I optimistic I am a realist. 
11.  Some may think I am blunt I call it hard honesty.
12.   I believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, but not that prick the easter bunny we all know it is just a man in a bunny suit.
13.  I like to reminiss about old times, life was so simple then.  The snow was always deeper, the days seemed longer, and Santa brought me gifts I wanted,  I am still good all year and not one single hint goes recognized.
14.  I like to read dirty romance novels.
15.  I believe I should have been raised in the south, even farther south than Texas.
16.  The only soup that should be served with grilled cheese is tomato
17.  I like to think that I march to the beat of my own drummer.
18.  Proud of being an Aquarius.
19.  Wish I would have been more adventurous in my childhood.
20.  Wish I would have done better in school.
21.  Wish I wasn't so good at being mediocre.
22.  I want to be a better person today than I was yesterday, and even better tomorrow.
23.  I love music, and when I am at home I like to dance, dance, dance.
24.  I am not as skinny as I once was but I was as skinny once as I ever was.
25.  I didn't go to my 5 year reunion because I was embarrassed by my husband (for the record I don't not have the same husband now.)
26.  I would eat fried chicken and mashed potatoes with brown gravy every meal, if I thought I wouldn't have the drumsticks to show for it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

At the end of the day

Roses are red , and  soon will be dead.
Why am I writing when I should be in bed.
Here I sit with my mind all a flitter, thanks heavens
I am not addicted to twitter.  My days are so busy
and the house such a mess, don't even ask me why I feel
so much stress.  I have a nice house and great husband too
but sometimes I feel I've bitten off more than I can chew.
I have dreams... I sure wont come true, and in the meantime I am
becoming a haggard old shrew.  I know this rhymes, and I don't really
care.  Because this is my way of blowing hot air. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My spinnin' wheels.

I should be in bed and why am I not in bed ... Good question because I do love sleep and I more often than not wake up tired but I am excited. My wheels are just a spinnin' I am makin' sumpin' special, no I am not going to say what it is that would totally ruin it for me, but when I get it done maybe I will post a few pics. I am going to call it a night now and head off to bed. So in the mean time zzzzzzzzzzzz......

Hunters 2nd birthday

Friday, October 16, 2009